Thangpalkot is about 23 Km from Melamchi. People belonging to Tamang, Hyolmo, Dalit and Brahmin/Chhetri communities live in the area. It has above 700 households with around 3500 population. Most of the people in the village are engaged in agriculture, there is also a trend of young people going abroad for employment. Thngpalkot is about 1700 m above sea level and has moderate climate. Thankpalkot was severely affected by the 2015 earthquake.

  • Established: 1960
  • Placement from: 2016-04-16

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TFN House
144 Saraswati Mandir Marg, Chakupat, Lalitpur.

P.O. Box: 3739 Kathmandu, Nepal.
(+977) 01-5340105, (+977) 01-5340974

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