Ambeshwari Secondary School 3
Ambeshwari Secondary School 1
Ambeshwari Secondary School 2
Ambeshwai Secondary School was established in 2027B.S. It is located 347kms from Kathmandu, in Tulsipur, Dang. The village is sparsely populated. The majority of the people belong to the Dalit ethnicity with 50% of the population being from the Tharu community. You will find few Brahmins, Chhetris, and some Janajati families. Here, people are highly affected by the Maoist insurgency of 2059B.S. (1971 A.D). Many people were killed, and many lost their families and relatives during the insurgency.
Ambeshwari Secondary School has computer labs with 8 computers but only 1 computer is in good condition. Network connectivity and internet access are also very poor in the area, one can rarely find any network connection in their phone. The majority of people of the community are illiterate, leaving very less role models for the students to look up to. Due to the lack of proper connectivity, this community feels a little isolated from most of the worldly issues.
The school has a big playground but students do not have adequate materials to play. Physical infrastructure is also bad with a lack of sufficient classrooms. The students are interested to learn new things but are unable to reach their full potential due to the lack of resources.