Home: Bhaktapur, Bhaktapur, Bagmati
Education: Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Nobel Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Nepal
If it wasn’t for the Tribhuvan University’s National Development Service (NDS) in the 1970’s which is almost similar to Teach For Nepal Fellowship, my father would not have been able to get the education he has today. Growing up in Khotang district in the eastern development region of Nepal, my parents didn’t have access to drinking water, health care, transportation and education until two young graduates came and started teaching in open yard under a tree. They weren’t able to solve all the problems but they were able to provide access to quality education to my dad and his peers. My dad always taught me that education is the most important factor in our life. Today, so many children don’t have access to quality education and healthcare. With my nursing degree and the education I have received, I want to provide my students and the community with education as well as health service.