Nawalpur Secondary School in Nawalpur VDC has the highest number of students in the region and female students outnumber the boys. 54 km away from Kathmandu and easily accessible by public bus, the school owns a hill and a forest of its own.
Suryaman Talchabhadel initiated the school’s operation in 1949 AD. Back then, general knowledge on writing and calculations were imparted on the children. The school was upgraded gradually and it became a Secondary School in 2009 AD.
When it comes to the population composition, most of the people in the community are followers of Buddhism and Hinduism. Most of them are engaged in agriculture. The school enrollment rate among children is 96% and literacy rate is 90%. Students have to walk up to 4 hours to reach the school.
462 students (243 girls and 219 boys) are studying currently in ECD to Grade 10. TFN Fellows have been placed here since 2014 AD and 3 Fellows are teaching. The SLC Pass Percentage in 2014 AD was 32%. A total of 15 teachers are providing their services at present.
There is no proper facility for drinking water and toilets. Electricity is available from local hydro services. The school possesses a small playground for children to play outdoors. But there is no library and Science lab. Students get to learn in their Math lab and a computer lab that is equipped with 5 computers. Benches and desks aren’t sufficient for the students. 5 classrooms have no white boards. The estimated annual budget of the school is Rs 40,00,000. The government, VDC and private organizations support the school financially.
The students are actively involved in Eco-Club and Junior Red Cross Circle. PTA and SMC also exist. The teachers and students use Nepali as the primary medium of communication and instruction.
Earthquake Impact
The Ministry of Education suggested a Red sticker for Earthquake Impact, which means the infrastructures have been severely damaged. All the 12 rooms of the building and around 60 benches are in bad condition. The school is in need of reconstruction. In the community too, almost all the houses collapsed. 43 people lost their lives and many were wounded. 2 students of the school also lost their lives.
Organizations like Plan Nepal, OXFAM Nepal, WWF and Nawalpur Christian Society are helping in building and TLC reconstructions.