Janata Secondary School, Belhi Rajaul

Located in Belhi Rajaul of Janakpur Municipality in Dhanusha District, Janata Secondary School was established in 1979 AD. There are 25 teachers for 500 students enrolled in the school from ECD to Class 10. 5 students on average have been dropping out from each class yearly. TFN Fellows have been teaching there since 2015 AD and Aastha Bhattarai, Nikita Thapaliya and Milan Dahal are the current Fellows. The literacy rate of the area is less than 40%.

No. of students appearing in the SLC Examinations in 2011 AD, 2012 AD, 2013 AD and 2014 AD and the pass percentage:

Year No. of students who appeared in the SLC examinations No. of students who passed 2068 BS (2011 AD) 37 14 2069 BS (2012 AD) 40 16 2070 BS (2013 AD) 43 11 2071 BS (2014 AD) 43 17 Separate toilets are available for male and female students and teachers. A playground is there for children to play outdoor games. Library and Science Lab and Math Lab haven’t been constructed yet. There is a computer lab with 6 computers. The classrooms don’t have enough whiteboards and desks/benches for the students. Nepali and Maithli are used for communication in the school. SMC and PTA are functioning actively.

Students belong to families that are Hindus and Muslims. The families are engaged in agriculture, shop-keeping and labor works for earning their living. The vicinity is equipped with Janakpur Zonal Hospital, Janakpur City Hospital and medical shops. For education, there are some other private and public schools as well as colleges for studying Management, Medicine and Nursing. A police station is 500 meters away. There is access to telephone services and drinking water is available from tube wells.

Out of the 10 classrooms, 2 have been damaged because of the earthquake. Aasaman Nepal has been helping the school with extra-curricular activities and various other sectors.

The school is 253 km away from Kathmandu. You can take a bus/flight to Janakpur. Once you get off, you have to head a few meters east of Pidari Chowk, Janakpur and then a few meters to the north towards Durga temple to reach the school. Rickshaws are available within Janakpur.

  • Established: 1979
  • Placement from: 2015-04-16

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TFN House
144 Saraswati Mandir Marg, Chakupat, Lalitpur.

P.O. Box: 3739 Kathmandu, Nepal.
(+977) 01-5340105, (+977) 01-5340974

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