Janajagriti Higher Secondary School (Ekudole)

Janajagriti Higher Secondary School is located at Ikudole VDC in Lalitpur. A health post is bordered at the school and another nearest health service available for the community members is Primary Health Centre which is located at Bhattedanda. To reach the center having 24 hours doctors’ service, one has to walk for 2 hours. For education services apart from the school, there is Buddha Bihar on two hours’ uphill walking distance. The nearest police station is in 2.5 hours’ walking distance at Chhapeli, Bhattedanda. Mostly NTC and NCell networks are available. There are no big factories/ industries set up in the vicinity but one Hydroelectricity project is under construction. Most of the people in the village are using piped drinking water which comes from different small resources.

The school was established in 2035 BS (1978 AD). A total of 191 students are studying there from ECD to Grade 12. TFN Fellows have been teaching in the school since 2013 AD and Sabin Maharjan and Suraj Karki are the current fellows. The SLC Pass Percentage of 2071 BS (2014 AD) was 70%.

About the infrastructures and services available in the school, toilets facility is currently maintained by the project Support My School. Electricity is available from the national grid. There’s a small playground but is currently occupied by TLCs. There’s a library, a math lab and a science lab. The computer lab is equipped with 10 computers. Each classroom has enough desks/benches for the students and there are whiteboards but the boards aren’t big enough for secondary and higher secondary levels. Nepali language is used primarily for communication in the school and students talk in Tamang language too, while English is used occasionally.

Students are mostly from Ikudole and some come from Bhattedanda VDC. Some children walk up to 3 hours every day to attend the classes. There is no hostel facility but the school is using a truss block as a hostel for some students coming from the furthest distance. Mostly Tamang, Magar, Brahmins, Chhetris, and Dalit communities live nearby.

The school is 40/45 km away from Kathmandu. Public transportation is available from Chapagaon. And you will have to walk uphill for an hour. Milk trucks are available, too.

For the students’ development, ECCA has been supporting the child club since a long time and TFN Fellows have started Students’ Council. SMC and PTA have been functioning well.

Students who appeared in the SLC Examinations in the last three years:

Year No. of students who appeared in the examinations No. of students passed 2071 BS (2014 AD) 20 14 2070 BS (2013 AD) 21 11 2069 BS (2012 AD) 19 12

  • Established: 1978
  • Placement from: 2013-04-16

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Contact Information

TFN House
144 Saraswati Mandir Marg, Chakupat, Lalitpur.

P.O. Box: 3739 Kathmandu, Nepal.
(+977) 01-5340105, (+977) 01-5340974

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