Home: Suryabinayak, Bhaktapur, Bagmati
Education: Bachelor of Business Studies, Janapremi College, Tribhuvan University
My father used to work as a laborer for a living when I was a child. He scantily manages to read and write but my mother bears no education. Because of our financial hurdles, I could not play with toys and video games like other children do. But my parents never made me feel bored or alone. I moved from a private school to a public one as our financial status weakened. That shift made me encounter a crucial difference between private and public schools i.e., the community’s outlook and treatment towards public school students. The community always used to dominate public school students. They conceived that public schools cannot offer a good education like private schools. The covid-19 pandemic was the most difficult situation in my life; it caused me to lose my job and dragged my family again into financial difficulties. However, we didn’t lose hope and decided to rear a cow to help us overcome the hurdles. I dealt with all the difficulties in my life with a positive attitude. Every challenge, be it even a small one, I took it as an opportunity to grow myself. Had it not been for education, I wouldn’t be here today. Good education has steered me along this way that I am now capable of doing Fellowship at Teach For Nepal. As a Fellow, I look forward to being a good leader and an independent person. A good leader who guides the students towards a good path and assists them in their career development. An independent person who relies on work rather than fate. My mission in life is to continue transferring knowledge and skills to bring positive changes in the community/nation such that it doesn’t limit my Fellowship for only a period of two years.